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Two good reasons to celebrate at the UTN: Opening of “Cube One” and inauguration of the founding president

On October 18, 2024, the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) opened its first building on the new campus together with Minister President Dr. Markus Söder and State Minister for science and the arts Markus Blume. The “Cube One” is characterized by its flexible usage options and sustainable construction. At the same time, UTN celebrated the inauguration of Prof. Michael Huth, who became the university’s new founding president on October 1, 2024.

NUREMBERG. “The completion of ‘Cube One’ marks the first step towards the creation of a modern university campus in the south of Nuremberg. This milestone marks the beginning of a phase of structural growth and strategic academic development for the university,” said Huth in his inaugural speech to around 250 guests from politics and society, UTN staff and students. “We have the opportunity here to create a university that meets the requirements of the digital future and sustainability. With technology and ecological construction, we are creating a future-proof space for first-class teaching and interdisciplinary research,” continued Huth, who, as the new founding president, will play a key role in the future development of the university.

Focus on sustainability and modern construction

“Cube One” is the first building on the 37-hectare campus in the Nuremberg-Lichtenreuth district. With 2,500 square meters on six floors, it offers space for around 120 employees. The new rooms are flexibly designed to meet different usage requirements. The spaces have been specially designed for new work concepts with open space areas, flex rooms and lounges.

The building has a sustainable design and consists of a timber construction with a core made of recycled concrete. It has a very low energy requirement and meets the passive house standard. Part of the energy required is generated by a photovoltaic system on the roof. The façade is equipped with a trellis system and is extensively greened.

By the end of the year, the founding presidium and parts of the administration will move into the new building. The previous transitional building at Ulmenstrasse 52 will continue to be used for research and teaching.

Further campus development is already casting its shadow: A modular building is already under construction in the immediate vicinity, which will be used by Technische Hochschule Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm together with UTN. In the north of the campus site, preparations are underway for the buildings of the so-called 1st construction phase, which are expected to be completed in 2030. “From then on, we can speak of a first fully functional mini-campus, in which the UTN principles of scientific excellence, interdisciplinarity and the fields of activity that we strive for as UTN can be experienced in one place,” says Michael Huth, outlining the upcoming scientific and structural developments for the UTN.

Growth of the university: new students and professors

At the same time as the first campus building was taken over, the second cohort of students also began their Master’s degree in AI and Robotics. In addition, eight new professors started at the UTN. It now has around 180 employees and over 60 students. In the final expansion stage, the campus will offer space for 6,000 students, 200 professors and 2,000 employees.

Quotes on the opening of the campus

Dr. Markus Söder, Bavarian Minister President, MdL: “The University of Technology Nuremberg is moving forward! We are founding a completely new university with a focus on AI. The UTN is a beacon for Nuremberg and the entire science region of Bavaria. We are planning for 6000 students and 200 professorships in the future. The dynamics of knowledge are growing exponentially. But although mankind knows more and more, more and more people don’t want to know anything about it. This makes sound science all the more important. AI is a completely new technology with incredible opportunities. We want to be there. Because those who ride the wave will not go under. We are focusing in particular on networking science and business. I am convinced that technology means progress – that has always been the case in the history of mankind. That is why we are very happy to invest a total of 5.5 billion euros in our future with the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria. Live long and prosper!”

Markus Blume, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and the Arts, MdL: “The dawn of a new era: UTN is our tenth state university and the first university to be founded in Germany this millennium. It is young, cool and bright – a start-up university with new structures and visionary ideas for teaching and research. The first building now makes this spirit really tangible – a real milestone in the young university’s history. In future, there will be 6000 students and 200 professorships here. And: today also marks the start of the Huth era. From Imperial College to the Bavarian empire: the new founding president Prof. Dr. Michael Huth, an AI expert, is exactly the right person for the further development. He is enthusiastic and he can inspire. I look forward to working together – for the UTN, for Bavaria and for a new scientific spirit throughout the country!”

Marcus König, Mayor of the City of Nuremberg: “The UTN will fundamentally change the city of Nuremberg. A new district is being created around the new university, which will give new impetus to urban development. The ‘Cube One’ is now a visible sign that things are also getting underway on the campus. I am looking forward to working with the new founding president, Prof. Michael Huth. As a city, we are happy to help steer the development in Lichtenreuth and around the university – this is where the future of our city lies.”

Matthias Franz, Head of the Erlangen-Nuremberg State Building Authority: “Cube One, which opened today, is like a showcase for the future campus architecture of the UTN: sustainable and resource-saving, flexible and elegant.”

© Stefan Meyer | Cube One is equipped with a trellis system and is extensively greened.

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