In the Innovationskunst CEO Talks, top managers and experts from the most innovative companies in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region have their say. We want to know from them how they see the economy, what future they foresee for their company and the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region as a whole, and what they would like to give other people for their careers.

Spin-offs contribute to structural change
The Ohm as an application-oriented university in the innovation ecosystem of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
Niels Oberbeck, President of the "Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm" (Ohm) and member of the “Innovationskunst” initiators' group, talks about knowledge and technology transfer in the metropolitan region and a network of science and business.
Picture: Niels Oberbeck, President of the Ohm.

It takes staying power
Bernd Montag wants to actively shape change in the healthcare sector with Siemens Healthineers from the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
Bernd Montag, CEO of the listed medical technology manufacturer Siemens Healthineers, headquartered in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg, and member of the "Innovation Art" initiator group, talks about challenges, new technologies and loyalty to the location. "In the industry, it takes a long breath on the path to innovation."
View Interview with Bernd Montag
Picture: Bernd Montag, CEO Siemens Healthineers.
© Siemens Healthineers

Between sustainability, skills shortages and AI: "We need a culture of innovation on many levels"
Rainer Brehm, CEO of the Factory Automation Division at Siemens, sees the future of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region as a think tank for sustainable solutions.
Rainer Brehm, CEO of the Factory Automation Division at Siemens, explains how the company is mastering new technologies and the opportunities that arise from creativity and innovation.
Picture: Rainer Brehm, CEO Factory Automation at Siemens.
© Siemens / Stefan Koeppel
Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme: From Technology to Commercial Success
Research must be put into practice and not disappear into drawers
The LZE is a joint initiative of the Fraunhofer Institutes IIS and IISB and the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and is based on many years of intensive cooperation between the institutions and the unique concentration of research and industry in the field of electronic systems at the Erlangen site.
Podcast with LZE CEO Christian Forster (in german)
Picture: LZE executive director Christian Forster and Dr. Bernd Fischer of the Fraunhofer IISB.
© Fraunhofer IISB
DATEV Chairman Dr. Mayr in conversation
#Ecosystem Innovation:
To conclude the #ecosystem innovation topic special, we take a look at corporate culture, the willingness to experiment and free thinking with DATEV CEO Dr. Mayr.
Picture: DATEV chairman Dr. Mayr
© DATEV / Thomas Straub
HEITEC Vorstand Ekkehard Reuß im Interview:
"We thrive on innovation"
In an interview with HEITEC AG executive director Ekkehard Reuß about structures of medium-sized companies that simplify decision-making processes, success factors for innovations and where he gets the best ideas.
interview HEITEC CEO Ekkehard Reuss (In german)
Picture © Heitec